Friday, 28 August 2015

Design Patterns in PHP

Patterns in php. Today we are going to talk about design patterns in web development, more precisely – in PHP. Experienced developers are probably familiar with this, but this article will be extremely useful for all novice developers. So, what is it – design patterns? Design Patterns aren’t analysis patterns, they are not descriptions of common structures like linked lists, nor are they particular application or framework designs. In fact, design patterns are “descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context.” In other words, Design patterns provide a generic reusable solution to the programming problems that we encounter every day. Design patterns are not ready classes or libraries, that can be simply applied to your system, this is not a concrete solution that can be converted in to source code, design patterns are much more than that. They are patterns, or templates, that can be implemented to solve a problem in different particular situations.

Design patterns help to speed up the development, as the templates are proven and from the developer’s position, only implementation is required. Design patterns not only make software development faster, but also encapsulate big ideas in a simpler way. Also, be careful not to use them in wrong places in order to avoid unpleasant situations. In addition to the theory, we also give you the most abstract and simple examples of design patterns.

    “Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again … and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without doing it the same way twice.” – Christopher Alexander

Sunday, 2 August 2015

How to upgrade the XAMPP, without uninstalling the older version of xampp.

I have been wondering around, like how to upgrade my xampp and i was using the older version of xampp which was 5.3 which i installed some what around like 4 years ago, when i was learning the PHP at Hyderabad from Swami Naidu Sir, but its very inimical sometime to work with certain project on the localhost where you have to work with API using CURL and in my case it was not working because the module was not enabled and likewise many were not, however there was no problem with the latest versions of the xampp almost all the modules like curl are enabled already in the localhost, also i do a lot of project with the latest cms like joomla3 or frameworks like laravel where you get all the die function errors if you are not using the latest version of php, hence i decided to update my XAMPP at any cost.

Now after digging a lot of blogs and stack-overflow, i came to know about two techniques which iam going to share right now and  i hope someone will find it helpful whoever is facing the same situation.

Technique 1.

So  the first is about not removing the older version and just upgrading the php folder, so in order to do that follow the instructions given below.

Step-1: So just go to this link and download the latest thread safe version of xampp.

Step-2: Now i assume that your xampp is in your "C" drive, so just go to your "C:/xampp" and rename the old php folder as "php_old", create a new empty folder called "php".

Step-3: Now unzip the entire files of the new thread safe version of php into the newly created php folder.

Step-4: Now in the newly created php folder search a file "php5apache2_4.dll" or "php5apache2_2.dll" copy that file and paste it in the folder "C:\xampp\apache\modules".

Step-5. Now the last  step, go to "C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra" and open the file "httpd-xampp.conf" using a text editor, here you have to edit three things.

just provide/check correct path to these variable.

#). LoadFile "C:/xampp/php/php5ts.dll"

#). LoadModule php5_module "C:/xampp/apache/modules/php5apache2_4.dll"

#). SetEnv PHPRC "\\xampp\\php".

thats it, you're done.

Step - 6: Now just restart the apache and mysql using the xampp control panel, i hope it will work, if not like it happened in case of my colleague then please follow the second technique which is written below.

Technique 2.

Step: 1. Download the latest version of the xampp which would be a ".exe" file.
Step: 2. Stop your apache and mysql services using xampp control window, now rename the C:/xampp folder to C:/xampp_old.

Step: 3. Now run the newly dowloaded .exe file of xampp.

Step: 4. Now copy all the contents of "htdocs" folder from "C:/xampp_old" to "C:/xampp".
Step: 5. No go to "C:\xampp_old\mysql\data" copy the entire content of this folder to "C:\xampp\mysql\data".
Step:6. Restart your apache and mysql services now through the new xampp control panel, thats it and your done, and you will get the working environment with the same set of files and data which was there earlier with the updated xampp version.

Thanks a lot for reading :)